Beautiful women and expensive cars
Contrary to what is often claimed, it is not only men who love beautiful and expensive cars. Many women also like to step into a luxurious, sporty or robust car.
Herman Brood painting in his studio
In the 1990s, I visited Herman Brood in his studio for a photoshoot and a portrait session for HP/de tijd.
Portrait photography from the 90s
In the 90s, the Dutch series Flodder, directed by Dick Maas, was a tremendous success. Below is this talented man who would later claim many more successes with his hand on the chest of former playmate model Tatjana Simec.
Little humanity in the streets of Phnom Penh Cambodia
It is hot, 30c something and it’s raining a little. As I walk off my jet-lag over the Sisowath Quay also known simply as “Riverside” there was this boy utterly naked on his knees carefully removing some splinter from his dog’s paw.
Street art sailing ship in Amsterdam
While walking in a tunnel in Amsterdam I saw this amazing street art of an old Dutch sailing ship. The element of the moment caught my eye as the boy was running on the waves of history.
Only sky above us in the Dutch polder landscape
Beautiful sky photography in Dutch polder landscape, made in August 2019 during a photo tour in The Netherlands by Michael Klinkhamer.
The spontaneous Cambodian model shoot
One day I was asked on very short notice by a photography workshop client who wanted to get into exploring model shoots on location in Cambodia. it is fun to use my local contacts and I always have liked the idea of combining traditional local culture and travel photography with something totally different.
Concerto records | The oldest vinyl record shop of Amsterdam
Concerto Records in the Utrechtse straat was founded in 1955 and in 2019 they are still going strong being one of the oldest vinyl records shops of Amsterdam. They also sell Cd’s, DVD’s, but their origin is Vinyl records of virtually all genres for over 64 years now.
Kissing couples in the streets of Amsterdam
As we walked the city from the Leidseplein towards the Rijksmuseum we encountered a romantic scene of two lovers saying goodbye after a long night and going their separate ways.
The rickshaws of Phnom Penh
The rickshaws – in Cambodia we call them Cyclo’s – still dominate the street life of Phnom Penh. It is all about the pure muscle workforce.