Tag: photography

  • Real Estate and Architecture Productions

    Real Estate and Architecture Productions

    Knai Bang Chatt Resort in Kep The Chemosphere is a modernist house in Los Angeles, California, designed by John Lautner  TAO Riverside Residence is a centrally located 4-star urban-style design hotel and short-stay accommodation situated right on the lively Sisowath Quay in Phnom Penh Yellow Tower Office Space located in Phnom Penh Terminal 3, Beijing Capital International…

  • Sheltering Skies over Morocco

    Sheltering Skies over Morocco

    #Moroccan Girl “I was recently reminded of Morocco in the late 1980s and of a haunting photo I once took there of a young girl stoically looking out over a river in a dry valley.”Fortunately, I could find the 38 year old film negatives from the Morocco trip in one of my film archive binders.I…

  • Roland Neveu and the ‘Killing Fields of Cambodia’

    Roland Neveu and the ‘Killing Fields of Cambodia’

    all images are copyright © Roland Neveu.For licensing contact: rolandneveu@gmail.com Words: Michael Klinkhamer “On that fateful April 17, 1975, Khmer Rouge soldiers walked the boulevards of Phnom Penh, mostly barefoot and in black pajama-like uniforms after five years of fighting.”Heavily armed with hollow eyes and icy stares.” These are the words of Roland Neveu, in…

  • They are Marching…

    They are Marching…

    We often look past people working in the streets and move on in a hurryI see them working out of the corner of my eye and can’t help but take a photo with respect. They march through life to provide food and hopefully an education for their family and children. Loaded with hundreds of coconuts,…

  • Cambodian Paddy Field Photography in Silence

    Cambodian Paddy Field Photography in Silence

    Angkor Wat complex and area around it near Siem Reap have so much more to offer than temples only.The surrounding agricultural area around Angkor Wat is almost unspoilt for agriculture and mainly used for rice growing. “From a distance, sitting in my tuk tuk, I saw the arched backs and steadfast movements of two women…

  • Black and White Film Photo Walk Phnom Penh

    Black and White Film Photo Walk Phnom Penh

    Walking here in Phnom Penh again with my vintage Nikon FE analog film camera and a single 50mm lens was a homecoming and a photographic exercise. Analog or digital it’s the power of the image that counts! Over the years (2013-2020) I conducted hundreds of photo walks with international photographers.This resulted in an incredible library…

  • Chas Gerretsen ‘Just like in the Movies’

    Chas Gerretsen ‘Just like in the Movies’

    Apocalypse Now is the war film that I must have seen dozens of times. A few times from beginning to end in the cinema and sometimes also in pieces and parts, at home or while traveling in Asia. Together with Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, The Deerhunter, and of course Good Morning Vietnam! Still, for me…

  • Cambodia Photo Tours~Preah Pithu T-Kor Sak Temple

    Cambodia Photo Tours~Preah Pithu T-Kor Sak Temple

    This article is part of the Cambodia Photo Tours and workshops experience.We are happy to inspire and help you in pursuing to craft your photographic vision subject matter and style. This article and pictures are part of my visual logbook. From 2013 to 2020 I took daily photography walks around the Phnom Penh and deeper into…

  • Aloha Spirit from Hawaii

    Aloha Spirit from Hawaii

    With great joy I look back at the photos I took in 2009 on the islands of Hawaii.A special time in which I was looking for a different way of thinking and exploring photography.In addition, there were private life changes and some sadness after the end of my marriage and all that it entailed.Rising from the…

  • a Photography walk around
    Guilin-China 1987

    a Photography walk aroundGuilin-China 1987

    photography series shot in Guilin-China in 1987.