Apsara of Angkor Wat
There she was, suddenly! An Apsara goddess from Angkor.Under a messy canopy in the pouring rain stood a woman in traditional Cambodian clothing, fully made up, ready and on her way to a wedding.I carefully approached the situation while a carriage (tuk tuk) was just bringing a few monks home. I photographed that moment but…
Sheltering Skies over Morocco
#Moroccan Girl “I was recently reminded of Morocco in the late 1980s and of a haunting photo I once took there of a young girl stoically looking out over a river in a dry valley.”Fortunately, I could find the 38 year old film negatives from the Morocco trip in one of my film archive binders.I…
Black and White Film Photo Walk Phnom Penh
Walking here in Phnom Penh again with my vintage Nikon FE analog film camera and a single 50mm lens was a homecoming and a photographic exercise. Analog or digital it’s the power of the image that counts! Over the years (2013-2020) I conducted hundreds of photo walks with international photographers.This resulted in an incredible library…
Aloha Spirit from Hawaii
With great joy I look back at the photos I took in 2009 on the islands of Hawaii.A special time in which I was looking for a different way of thinking and exploring photography.In addition, there were private life changes and some sadness after the end of my marriage and all that it entailed.Rising from the…
a Photography walk around
Guilin-China 1987photography series shot in Guilin-China in 1987.
Discover the secrets of Cambodia with your camera in 2025
best photography tour experience into mystical Cambodia
Photo essay of hope and optimism in Cambodia.
The people dwelling here in Phnom Penh- Steung Meanchey still find housing and employment in recycling and garbage collecting
Hidden landmines and explosives in Cambodia
Hidden landmines and explosives in Cambodia
Into the shadows with my camera in India
In 1988 I wanted to travel and explore India. The largest subcontinent in Asia and the birthplace of the major religions in Buddhism and Hinduism. I felt it was the most beautiful and exciting place to travel and do some great photography.