Roland Neveu and the ‘Killing Fields of Cambodia’
all images are copyright © Roland Neveu.For licensing contact: rolandneveu@gmail.com Words: Michael Klinkhamer “On that fateful April 17, 1975, Khmer Rouge soldiers walked the boulevards of Phnom Penh, mostly barefoot and in black pajama-like uniforms after five years of fighting.”Heavily armed with hollow eyes and icy stares.” These are the words of Roland Neveu, in…
They are Marching…
We often look past people working in the streets and move on in a hurryI see them working out of the corner of my eye and can’t help but take a photo with respect. They march through life to provide food and hopefully an education for their family and children. Loaded with hundreds of coconuts,…
Chas Gerretsen ‘Just like in the Movies’
Apocalypse Now is the war film that I must have seen dozens of times. A few times from beginning to end in the cinema and sometimes also in pieces and parts, at home or while traveling in Asia. Together with Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, The Deerhunter, and of course Good Morning Vietnam! Still, for me…
a Photography walk around
Guilin-China 1987photography series shot in Guilin-China in 1987.
Requiem for Photographer Tim Page
Requiem for friend, mentor and legend Tim Page, born 25 May 1944 who passed away from illness at the age of 78, on 24th August 2022.
Photo essay of hope and optimism in Cambodia.
The people dwelling here in Phnom Penh- Steung Meanchey still find housing and employment in recycling and garbage collecting
Hidden landmines and explosives in Cambodia
Hidden landmines and explosives in Cambodia